Tuesday, June 24, 2008

You, On Blast

By the way, I found some of your shit on my blog, and If you don't claim it soon, I am going to throw it out.

In summation,

Monday, June 23, 2008


Okay, facts. I said I can do that. I was checking my trusty Dollar Store news, and saw an article that I just had to say something about. See, this lady right here apparently went beserk in a Family Dollar store, when she was told that the line she was waiting on was shutting down, and she had to move to another register. I know that shit is annoying, but was it really enough to:
a) hand your 8-month-old child to a store clerk, so that you can
b) pull some hair up out a scalp,
c) wayne brady choke a bitch, and
d) bite a cop?

Um, I don't think so. It ain't that serious, ma. Those furious fists, ghetto anger, and no nonsense attitude is not going to get you anywhere but central booking, and you can't ring up there either. But as a consolation I found a way you can save 20¢ next time. I love you.

I'm Crap

Yes, It has been months since I posted. I seem to go through this. I am unfortunately stressed out because I need a real job that will cover my expenses, and when I'm stressed I can't write creatively, only factually. So here's what I'm gonna do - I'm going to post a video of Ellen Degeneres shopping at the 99¢ Only store. It was on her show, and people tend to visit this blog looking for that video. So X gon' give it to ya. (I am X.)

Someone give me a job. A good one. I only buy crap, I don't take it. Zing!